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The Healing Power of Writing

Hi! Welcome to the Joy of Miracles.

To write is to uncover, to unhide, to bring to light, and express what is within. To share is the end of all private thoughts, all shame, all guilt, all pain and separation. Here is all Joy found at last! Writing helps us to repeat, focus, choose, and remember ideas. The purpose of this writing is healing for all of us.

This blog is inspired by "A Course in Miracles"and The Work of Byron Katie. You are invited to share your comments by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of each post. If you scroll way down there's a little info about me and also an archive of past writing you can view by clicking on the title. Thanks so much for visiting...

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

without the thought" I am alone"

who/what would i be
without the thought i am alone?

i notice my breathing

being done
reaches over and gets a sip of coffee
writes these words
adjusts the pillow under this notebook
a sip of water
the stream continues
asks again
without the thought I am alone...
i extend out forever
i am a flower
my palms, the tulip petals
a smile blooms on my face
my lips turn upward
without a trace of strain

it would only be a strain to hold it back,
to resist it
to hide it and not let it shine
be expressed

i am reminded of the intimacy i share
with people even after long stretches of seeming time

i see it doesn't matter how often i talk to someone
or get together
i see its how i see them in my mind
when they do appear

without the thought i am alone
i am gratitude
for each face
each heart

i remember all the gifts
that live now
in me/as me

i bless them
i am a blessing to the world,
upon the world
without the thought i am alone

softly waiting
like the pad on a cat's paw,
like the content cat
who sits so still
and has nothing to do
and nowhere to go
and is ready for anything,
ready to jump and play and chase
right now

i need no preparation
for the next moment

being totally at rest,
i am ready
for anything

i am a kid again
happily playing
totally absorbed
in my doll, or sand, or clay
or painting
or watching the goldfish
or petting the cat

in my own little world
making up all the rules of my make believe town
having fun
making up all the characters
and the funny words they say to each other.
('i want to get married and have a baby" , I wrote in my tiny notebook around the age of 8,
as the script of some adults i made up)

without the thought i am alone
i see the play going on everywhere all around me
i see i can jump in any time
or just watch
just watch
the show
give a hand when asked
and listen

everybody's heart
see me in every word

i come home
to my brother
and sister

i see
the Oneness

i hear every word you say
coming directly from God/Love
to me

i see
the Love Song never stops

the sound of traffic
the steam of the boiling water
the silence of the cat on the window sill
the sunbeams bouncing off the paper
and spraying all over the room

my heart
my breath
the tv turned off
the giant kiss of words in my book

the music forever
leafing out
and falling crumpled to the floor


i am

thoughts are vines
a jungle is not a vacant lot

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About Me

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I have been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1986. It has helped me tremendously to be a happier person by helping me change my perception of everything. I have found writing to be very helpful in the process of practicing, experiencing, and living the ideas in the Course. In 2006 I started sharing inspiration from the Course with a friend. Now it is a joy to share it with everyone. In 2009, The Work of Byron Katie found me at a woman's group. The Work is a way to identify and question your stressfuI beliefs. I dove right in and in April 2013 became a Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. I work with people privately and offer online classes. Please visit for more information. I also still occasionally lead the 11am Sunday Gathering at the Rocky Mountain Miracles Center in Denver. For more information


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