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The Healing Power of Writing

Hi! Welcome to the Joy of Miracles.

To write is to uncover, to unhide, to bring to light, and express what is within. To share is the end of all private thoughts, all shame, all guilt, all pain and separation. Here is all Joy found at last! Writing helps us to repeat, focus, choose, and remember ideas. The purpose of this writing is healing for all of us.

This blog is inspired by "A Course in Miracles"and The Work of Byron Katie. You are invited to share your comments by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of each post. If you scroll way down there's a little info about me and also an archive of past writing you can view by clicking on the title. Thanks so much for visiting...

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Friday, July 5, 2013


Silence is golden.

You are Self contained.

Every one-liner you will ever hear from anyone
is within you.

There is nothing different "out there".

You are the Universe.

Go in, 
for "more"

to see the blocks
that block Joy

Know thy Self

Self Discovery

Adventure on the High Seas--Pirates!

where do you imagine you being pirated?
where is the flag of skull and crossbones flying?
where is Johnny Depp's charismatic face and sparkle and accent
got you convinced
threatened with frightful images?
What is the desert island you can't escape from?
hands and feet bound?

that you might live alone
in sadness,
fed poisoned milk in the baby's bottle

drink in the lie no more!

You don't scare me anymore, Johnny.
Thank you for sharing your entire existence with me.

Now I see the "bully" is but a cover
for self hatred
having to take by force
in a cruel world

A lone ness,
becomes solitude

all afternoon,
dawn to dusk,
in the meadow
of wild flowers,
planted all by themselves...

no where to go,
nothing i need
to do,
as far as the eye can see
fresh juicy green grass

the afternoon is very still
big deep eyes
a soft swish of tail
tall grasses  gently  breezing

the barn remains where it always is,
the sun penetrates  every vertebrae,
 cars whiz by

the scent of yucca
lilac and juniper
are thick
and melt into me

every cell

no pirate can possibly
effect one cell
of such complete saturation


from here i can enjoy the show--
even the sparkling of silver swords clanking in the moonlight,
and there is no fear
at all

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About Me

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I have been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1986. It has helped me tremendously to be a happier person by helping me change my perception of everything. I have found writing to be very helpful in the process of practicing, experiencing, and living the ideas in the Course. In 2006 I started sharing inspiration from the Course with a friend. Now it is a joy to share it with everyone. In 2009, The Work of Byron Katie found me at a woman's group. The Work is a way to identify and question your stressfuI beliefs. I dove right in and in April 2013 became a Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. I work with people privately and offer online classes. Please visit for more information. I also still occasionally lead the 11am Sunday Gathering at the Rocky Mountain Miracles Center in Denver. For more information


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