right on time
bodies begin
bodies stop
right on time
the moment of conception
the outward picture/symbol
of an inward condition...
there is
the present
the thought/concept
on stage in this moment
how can it possibly be "wrong"?
it's just
what is
in your mind
right now
can you plan
when an idea will come to you?
can you plan
when an idea will leave you?
when you can't think of it anymore?
our function
is to look,
without judgement
someone "leaves"
it must
be a gift
i don't know
where his body went...
but i know
he never really
can leave me...
he lives with me forever--
every instant of love
is now part of me
that continues
to grow
and be given
to everyone in my world...
i can never forget
what lives
as me
i will not to repeat the mis-takes
i made
with this student/teacher
i see what i did
and the world/i
now benefits
forever more
from my realization...
everything happens
on time...
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