everyone i see,
everyone i think about.
i am the 99%
i am the 1%
and the 1/10th of 1%.
I am every political party.
Can i understand?
What would i have to be believing
to show up that way?
What would i have to be believing
to go to war?
What kind of camouflage do i wear?
If you "win",
you also "lose".
Every side is yours.
You can only defeat yourself.
You can never defeat your Self.
"If Christ appeared to you in all His glory,
asking you but this:
Choose once again
if you would take your place
among the saviors of the world,
or would remain in hell,
and hold your brothers there."
What would you be?
"For He has come,
and He is asking this."
There is no one who is not you.
How would you treat your very Self?

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