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The Healing Power of Writing

Hi! Welcome to the Joy of Miracles.

To write is to uncover, to unhide, to bring to light, and express what is within. To share is the end of all private thoughts, all shame, all guilt, all pain and separation. Here is all Joy found at last! Writing helps us to repeat, focus, choose, and remember ideas. The purpose of this writing is healing for all of us.

This blog is inspired by "A Course in Miracles"and The Work of Byron Katie. You are invited to share your comments by clicking on the word "comment" at the end of each post. If you scroll way down there's a little info about me and also an archive of past writing you can view by clicking on the title. Thanks so much for visiting...

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Friday, August 17, 2012

wisest person on earth....

i will be still an instant
and go home.

in this moment
nothing need be different

the spatula
lays sideways
gleaming in the sun
in the dishrack

see what is
give thanks

 needs to be put away
it can sit there all day and all night
for 32 days and nights...

it is brilliant!
receive it!!!

it's literally a gift from God!
so are you, of course!

i damn nothing
no one should be one cell different, one word different, one kiss less or more...
no situation...
not one degree of sunshine
nor one drop of rain more or less

to wish 
for what is not,
to fantasize,
is to damn reality

to damn
the big picture,
the knower
beyond my little mind,
beyond "my" microscopic perspective.

the honey is flowing!!!

what a gift
this spatula
a sink
clean running water
steaming oatmeal

it would take far longer than a lifetime....
to put it all into words

all the love
behind the word

is it really a "her"
and a "me"?

i feel not

this love in my chest
so much gratitude
fills me inside out
beyond my body yes

where could a line be drawn,
does not flow through

being all borders too
to make it easy

this car stops going north
so this one can go west
 just for a moment
at this intersection

its all you

damn nothing

i don't need anything from it

just see what it is
in all its glory
service is  nature/natural
it doesn't try to...isn't supposed to
be anything else
or be better
or the best

it never works by itself...
what nonsense

its always an extension of the Hand of God/Love

it can't feel

it just waits
between jobs
perfectly still

it's a spatula.
is it true?

who says?
before i believed what my mother believed
was it a spatula?

why not a
drawing in the sand tool
a friend
my dolly, her name Macy...the name I gave her...
water splasher
keep away toy
something to catch and throw
a marker for something with the "handle" stuck in the ground
a stencil
toy gun
stop sign
anything you can imagine...

so your partner (your enemy)...

what if you treated each person
in your life
as if
s/he were the wisest person in the world
Infinite Love
your savior

(remember this is your mirrror)

why wouldn't you want
to see this
and offer it
and receive this
of yourself?

Oh, Heaven!
what else 
could you really 
rather have
in this moment?

why not
try it?

what do i have to lose
that which i am imagining

nothing need be different
be cause
it is
already the wisest expression of Love possible

wise wise wise

so much beyond this
right here
in front
of our eyes

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About Me

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I have been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1986. It has helped me tremendously to be a happier person by helping me change my perception of everything. I have found writing to be very helpful in the process of practicing, experiencing, and living the ideas in the Course. In 2006 I started sharing inspiration from the Course with a friend. Now it is a joy to share it with everyone. In 2009, The Work of Byron Katie found me at a woman's group. The Work is a way to identify and question your stressfuI beliefs. I dove right in and in April 2013 became a Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. I work with people privately and offer online classes. Please visit for more information. I also still occasionally lead the 11am Sunday Gathering at the Rocky Mountain Miracles Center in Denver. For more information


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