on the back of a bus...
"are you living with schizophrenia
or bipolar disorder...."
oh yes! :-)))))))))))))))
we all are
we've denied our deepest pain
have no idea we are infinite love
and believe that we are not what we are
and it scares the hell out of us
we so want to know that God is here
that we are Spirit
that this world is the effect
of our confused thinking
and that as our thinking straightens out
so will our experience in this world......
but the schizophrenic egoworld answer
to this frightened frantic mind......
"you may be eligible
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! absolutely brilliant!
that should solve everything!
first, of course,
we will isolate you !
see you as very separate from ourselves
we will pop you
right into one of those cheery little petri dishes...:_)))
yes, yes....just like the kind you loved in school
where you grew that slimy jelly kind of stuff
yes, some very good memories....
and then,
we will measure your deficiencies very regularly
and very very carefully
and we will record this
and of course, we will share
this description of your inadequacies with all the world
we just might even post it on the internet
so that it can benefit all of mankind...
oh how very very loving!
oh what a very jolly good idea!!!
that should be very comforting
to this totally freaked out child
no no no no.....
no such thing as a hug or two
or loving reassurance that Jesus loves you
(that's not scientific, not rational,not verifiable or reproducible you know.....)
no no
just a bit of numbers
should do it!
well, thank you so very much, dear science,
for your cold hard facts...
i thank you, Jesus,
for the humor i can now see in this/myself
light shining into the hidden dark corners of our mind
shows us once more
that there is only one of us --not two (or three or four or five or six.....)
it is but Love that cures all our schizo dis-ease...
in Love's safety and innocence all our ugly phantoms can come out to play and be healed--no more need to hide anything
we are sustained
and nourished
by the Love of God!!!!!
not petri dishes.....
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